TINECZ Restaurant

Guest Book / Cartea de oaspeti

Welcome to TINECZ' web site!
The Martinecz family inaugurated  their restaurant  TINECZ  in 1996, which has since acquired a solid reputation as a place where one can enjoy fine Italian and international cuisine, hearty meals and where the service is always courteous.
For the past seven years, TINECZ has been fortunate to have as head cook Mr. Ioan Todor, one of Timisoara's most experienced and renowned chefs (click link below for news).
The restaurant can seat 130 inside, as well as 100 people on the Italian-style terrace. Over the years, TINECZ has served Russian and German diplomats passing through Timisoara, many Italian and Hungarian guests, and has an established clientele among the local business community.


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Familia Martinecz a inaugurat TINECZ la data de 10 decembrie 1996, restaurantul fiind specializat in bucatarie italiana si internationala.

De-a lungul anilor, TINECZ  si-a castigat o reputatie solida pentru calitatea meniurilor servite, portiile sale generoase si serviciu ireprosabil. Pana acum, restaurantul a fost onorat de prezenta mai multor demnitari si diplomati straini, fiind in acelasi timp locul predilect unde servesc masa multi oameni de afaceri romani sau straini din Timisoara.

Bucatarul-sef al restaurantului este de sapte ani incoace domnul Ioan Todor , unul dintre cei mai vestiti bucatari timisoreni (clic pe link  pentru ultimele noutati).

TINECZ  organizeaza mese festive, nunti, botezuri si functii corporate in cele doua saloane, care pot acomoda 130 de persoane in interior. Pe timpul verii, terasa in stil italian a restaurantului dispune de 100 de locuri.


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Our Italian-style terrace welcomes you

TINECZ  Restaurant

51 Calea Aradului, Timisoara, Romania

Phones: 0256 - 423963 or 0256 - 295 135

Email: tinecz@lycos.com

Click below to find out more about Tinecz' head cook Ioan Todor

Click here